Forever Stars is an independent, volunteer-run charity that heavily relies on donations. As such, support from local organisations is crucial in helping us continue to provide support for baby loss families.
We work hard to build long-standing relationships with our corporate supporters to help them maximise the various benefits that supporting a charity provides. In this case study, we speak to Sarah, HR Business Partner at SMS Electronics (Smart Made Simple), one of our long-standing corporate supporters. Here, Sarah shares more about how SMS supports Forever Stars and the associated benefits.
How did your partnership with Forever Stars begin?
We first engaged with Forever Stars before the Covid pandemic and re-engaged once lockdown restrictions were lifted. At SMS, our ethos focuses on building relationships with each other, our customers, and our local community; it makes sense that we also build strong relationships with the charities we support.
Why Forever Stars?
Having a long-standing history in Beeston, choosing a local charity to support was important to us. When we first met Forever Stars, we could tell straight away that they were passionate about supporting local families and keen to develop a relationship with us, making it an easy decision. We are a family-friendly organisation, so this, coupled with the strong local focus, really resonated with us.
How have you supported the charity?
Over the years, we’ve undertaken a range of activities to help raise money for the charity. From company-wide fundraising events, such as our annual BBQ, to individual employees embarking on various challenges like the Three Peaks and Tough Mudder, there’s been a fantastic mix. The company also matches any money we raise, giving the fundraising pot a nice boost!
How has supporting Forever Stars benefitted SMS?
Building a long-term relationship with Forever Stars has benefited us in many ways. The fundraising activities have been a great way to enhance our employee engagement. Our team enjoys getting involved, and the summer BBQ is always a highlight! At SMS, we have a strong set of values, and genuine engagement with our local community is part of that. This has significantly helped with our recruitment.
What advice would you give to other organisations looking to establish similar partnerships?
Firstly, I’d suggest they choose a charity that resonates with their colleagues to help encourage engagement. Secondly, it’s important to build a genuine relationship with whichever charity you choose and support as much as you can. Finally, I’d always recommend supporting the charity for longer than a year. Doing so will allow you to build momentum and forge a much stronger relationship.
About SMS
SMS is the U.K.’s leading Manufacturing Service Provider, based in Beeston, Nottingham since 1920. From concept to creation, commercialisation to customer, for all technology companies. Whether you are a start-up or an established household brand name, if you have a design, engineering, manufacturing, or supply chain challenge, SMS, with its diverse experience and scalable service, has the solution.
Become a corporate supporter
To find out more about how your organisation can support Forever Stars, email: or visit our corporate partner’s website page.