Beyond Business: Networking with a difference

Early in March we were delighted to launch our first Beyond Business networking club.

The first event took place at the Cornmill in Chilwell, Nottingham and we welcomed over 40 people from a variety of local businesses. The atmosphere was amazing – there was a real buzz in the air!

Our aim with our Beyond Business events is to create a networking club that is more than just exchanging business cards, we want to create a friendly and supportive environment where people can develop some great business relationships and purposeful connections with local businesses.

As our first event coincided with the launch of our latest campaign ‘Supporting 1 in 4 in 2024’, we thought it provided the perfect opportunity to provide attendees with a sneak peek of the campaign. Lucy Groves, Matron of Ward A23 at the QMC shared more about miscarriage and how the campaign will provide vital comfort and support for those families impacted. We also heard from Chantelle Taylor-Walster, who bravely shared her personal experience of miscarriage and how our campaign can make a huge difference to people experiencing this traumatic experience. You can find out more about our campaign on the ‘Supporting 1 in 4’ website page.

Guests were also served (huge!) delicious breakfast rolls and refreshments, which certainly helped to perk everyone up on an extremely wet day.

The feedback from guests was really positive, with many taking to LinkedIn to share pictures from their morning, along with requests for more events.

We’re planning to hold a Beyond Business event once a quarter. We’re already making plans for the next one and are in talks with a very interesting guest speaker. If you’d like to be informed of future events, please complete this form and we’ll keep you updated: Beyond Business registration form.

In the meantime, here are a few pics from the event:

Two people talking People chatting People networking Two people with a Supporting 1 in 4 in 2024 signThree people talking people talking   Four people holding a charity sign Two people with a sign